From an inspiring article on a company's modus operandi.
Read the full article here.Methodology
We...share a commitment to [some] basic principles:
1st of all, we believe that breakthrough creativity and innovation is a natural outcome of true COLLABORATION. We often find that great ideas are born through the clash of differing opinions when truth-seeking is the goal. When true collaboration is happening, you can feel it. Something gels and clicks within the group and everyone present is aware of an organic co-creation process that they are participating in… something magical happens....
We believe that co-creation through collaboration yields the greatest results....
Distinct from the “group think” that characterizes some initiatives, in collaboration people may change their opinions and ideas multiple times as they influence the discussion and the discussion influences them. The best work comes from an interactive and collaborative process where no one knows where the idea came from but it was created together....
(Emphasis added)
Regarding consultation, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has stated:
The members [of the Assembly] must take counsel together in such wise that no occasion for ill-feeling or discord may arise. This can be attained when every member expresseth with absolute freedom his own opinion and setteth forth his argument. Should anyone oppose, he must on no account feel hurt.... The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of differing opinions.
(Selections #44)
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